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How should a Project Manager Communicate the Current Focus

Writer's picture: Ally Tessler-HendricksAlly Tessler-Hendricks

The Power of Communication in Commercial Construction Project Management

Communication is key to the success of any commercial construction project. As a customer, it's essential that you understand the significance of effective communication between the office and the field. In the construction industry, the office is often perceived as a separate entity from the field, working on a project but not directly involved in its physical realization. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, the success of any construction project heavily relies on the proper exchange of information and clear communication between all parties involved. This blog post will dive into why communication is so crucial, the barriers that can obstruct it and ways to ensure that communication remains open and transparent throughout your project's lifecycle.

Good communication starts with clear and concise documentation, starting with the project specifications, which will provide the project team with a well-defined outline of what needs to be accomplished. The office then needs to ensure this information is provided in a format that is easily understood and accessible to all parties across all phases. This can mean providing plans and details that are easy to read and highly detailed, including CAD drawings or scheduling Software that facilitate communication across the project's diverse stakeholders and team members. The project manager must prepare and convey timely, accurate, and comprehensive reports, which will keep the crew and stakeholders informed, updated, and help to identify potential issues.

Another key aspect of communication lies in effective planning and scheduling. The office should be working with the field teams to develop a systematic approach to project timelines, ensuring that materials and information are coordinated and delivered in a timely manner. This type of planning requires an understanding of the project's anticipated timelines, inventory status, and field crew capacity, as well as safety and quality-control considerations. Project managers who stay up-to-date with the status of each project can help prevent unnecessary obstacles, injuries, and delays by taking proactive measures. Such an approach to planning will increase accountability and promote trust amongst all stakeholders.

Moreover, technology can provide numerous channels for more efficient communication. With cloud-based platforms like BIM (Building Information Modeling), project team members can easily share the latest changes and collaborate alike. This powerful tool can provide detailed 3D visualizations enabling stakeholders to view a digital version of the structure before it’s erected. Software also helps capture data in the field through mobile devices; Forms or survey solutions that report field progress, inspection results, safety management, and others. These platforms allow project managers, field crews, and stakeholders to communicate and collaborate at any time from any location.

However, there are times where communication barriers may make it more difficult to communicate effectively. One example is language barriers, which can result in misinterpretation or misunderstanding of important terms or tasks. This issue can be addressed by having a person who is fluently bilingual and familiar with the project's technical language, act as a liaison between the office and field teams. This individual can ensure that nothing gets lost in translation and help build trust, reduce frustrations and smooth out any rough edges on the project.

Communication is critical in commercial construction project management. There are many ways project managers can promote proper communication and remove barriers. By ensuring clear and concise documentation that is accessible to all parties, having good planning and scheduling systems, utilizing technology, and putting in place a process to handle language barriers, project managers can create an environment of open communication and trust. They get better outcomes and reduce the time and money wasted due to frequent miscommunications. At Tessler Construction, we value transparent communication, on-time deliveries, and the safety and quality of every project we undertake. We are a team player, and we share these values with you because your success is our top priority. We know the Power of Communication in Commercial Construction Project Management. To know more about our services and how we can help you achieve your construction goals, get in touch with us today!


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